Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lost In Kawasaki

So my morning started off by going to the campus and pushing through the throngs to get to the SILS office for my ID card. An ID card that is apparently school property and I have to turn in once I'm done. I can tell you right now that isn't going to happen. Then I got my Passmo commuter card for the subway. More fun forms! The student helping me ended up messing up more than I would have if I would have done it by myself but she was cute so meh. Long story short we were late heading for the festival. We got off at the wrong stop then got on the right train and went to the wrong temple. By the time we got to the actually festival it was wrapping up. I got some neat pics but none of the penis candies I wanted. OH well. I ended up getting home late and had to eat dinner by myself which wasn't too bad.

Krispy Kreme in Kawasaki

Covered street shopping

Kawasaki-dashi is the right place but we went the wrong way.

The way we should have gone....

Asian looking Kitty

My First Japanese Buddhist Cemetery!

The above are all at the wrong temple that was also holding a festival of some sort.

Arriving at the Penis Festival

My dinner. Sashimi something

The pink stuff on top is fish eggs still in the sack >.>
Odd texture but tasty.

As a side note, I walked 17325 steps today. That isn't counting the steps when I didn't have my phone or when I was walking with phone in hand. 3000 of those were just me getting to school one way.

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