Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fish and Family

My Host Family

On the wall at one of the stations along the way

How American Gas Stations should look

The Tsukiji Market is a lot bigger than what you see on TV and is more than just an auction for Giant Tuna

Fatty Beef

A Temple in the middle of the market

Host Mom getting Tamago


Snow Crab






The front of the temple

Another temple done "Western Style"

What real Wasabi looks like

Hello Kitty brand Nori

Killer Crab

Live crabs in sand for I don't know why

Sea Cucs

Killer crab cooked

I don't even know but it was alive

Tuna Head

Mom with Tuna head

Me with Tuna Head

Walked to Gina to catch metro home

Sky tree in distance

Stopped at a cafe on the second floor of a building

Heavy duty nail clippers

Main Street Ginza

Damn big apple store

Tonight's dinner

So today was fun. I'm a great source of amusement for my host parents so far. Today I used my first squat toilet and it wasn't bad but I must have looked funny cause my host mom guessed it after I came out. I also found out that my host dad used to drink and smoke not unlike my own dad. When he was 69 he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and had a surgery I don't really want to describe on here. He has since stopped smoking and only drinks a bear a day maybe and is in perfect health. My dad is in pretty good shape so this must mean you can do one or the other but never both. I may be getting sick but I'm not sure. My ears are plugged and my throat is really sore but otherwise I feel ok. Tomorrow I make a bank account and do a picnic.

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