Saturday, April 14, 2012

The search continues!

So I had class in the morning that went well. It was super rainy all day yesterday. My backpack got soaked. Met up with the with some American friends.

This is us in Ikebukuro.

 Cat Cafe


Statues in front of a Pachinko Place

Pokemon Center

Cool building on the way to the Square Enix Store.

Square Enix Store

 Pizza. Sorry Dad, Toliets are all very Japanese! No founders in the toilet.

Unbaked Cheesecake at a Bar

Bailey's "Chocolate Shake"

Final Fantasy Kasa

HIGH SCORE at the Table Flipping game.

On the trek home I got my backpack out of the station locker and it still felt super wet. I got it home and found that water had damaged most of the contents inside. I'm not happy.

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