Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Golden Week is now Museum Week

So yeah. Not many pictures since today was just a normal day. Went to my one class. I think it will be amazing. The teacher flies in and out of Tokyo for the one class. He is an Aussie professor living in Hokkaido. Tomorrow is my health check which I am not looking forward to at all but my cough doesn't seem to be getting better and it may keep my host parents at bay. I found out my host mother has been a choir singer for 35 years. She has a concert July 21st that I can invite a friend too. I'm going on a nerd tour Saturday and a Yoyogi tour Sunday. I got my Ghibli museum as well as dates planned for Disney Sea, Tokyo Disney and Puroland. While everyone is traveling on Golden week Kelly and I are staying in Tokyo and hitting the museums to make the most out of our Grutto pass. 2 weeks in and the only thing I miss, aside from the people and pets in my life, is taking a normal shower.

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