Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Alarm

So I woke up today to my parents gone. We were supposed to go to a huge market today apparently but they let me sleep because of the headache I had last night. They came home with Yakitori. I ended up telling my host mom exactly what we were eating. I also found out that I don't mind chicken hearts but I hate chicken liver. There was also talk of going someplace but I still didn't get a day or time so I'm a little confused. Then while watching TV I got an emergency alarm on my phone. There was a 5.8 earthquake with the epicenter closer to Tokyo then they have been since I got here. Scared my host mom and we all had to run upstairs and I couldn't even feel the house move. Chiba was hit pretty hard though. Now all I can do is wait for aftershocks because of my paranoia... So much for getting some rest at the start of the week.

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