Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Pacific

Today started off really badly in my head. I got very little sleep again and I wonder how I function. I had a super hard time in class today and almost had a mental break down in class. I feel like I keep studying and getting no place fast. Or anyplace at all. And it is driving me nuts. My meeting with Marie was mostly a bust. She gave me a pamphlet for ryokans published in 2010 and basically told me to email her if I needed help. That is why I went there in the first place... I did get the money to renew my Tekei though so I did that. Came home talked to my dad while I ate lunch. Went downstairs and tried to help as much as I felt I could since I was told my host mom feels I could help a little more. It is hard to not just be in the way.  We then watched the first 2 episodes of The Pacific which was really awkward for me. Now I'm working on planning my trip to Kyoto, Osaka, Nara with Kelly.

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