Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Class was amazing.  I think this Culture in Context class is going to be my favorite class of the term. My friend Kelly is forcing me to use Japanese which is something I needed more than I realized. I need to thank her somehow.  Tomorrow I have to go to the ward office and get my alien registration card then find someplace to make a copy of it and take it into the SILS office.  I've decided to go Bamboo Shot digging which may make me a bad student but I will be practicing Japanese and getting an experience I may not have another chance at. The event ends at 1. I'm hoping we'll be back at Takadanobaba by 1 p.m. so that Kelly and I can make it to the dance practice. Then my Sunday is gonna involve going to a bookshop and then maybe an amazing looking Disney Store because I need a stuffed animal or something to sleep with badly. It is either something Disney or a stuffed Kururu if I can find it quickly.... I'm thinking maybe the stuffed animal will help me get to sleep faster without a long time of just laying awake.

Tonight for Dinner I had Sea Bream for the first time. It was delicious especially because it was soaked in Japanese Beer before roasting it.

Really Good Instant Soup

I really don't know what this is but it was amazing and I want more.

Missing my fish. In my house we eat salad WITH chopsticks.

Yummy Sea Bream. Easily now my second favorite type of fish.

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