Saturday, April 7, 2012


It is a sad day when I go to bed before my host parents but I'm so tired. Today was my first actual intensive class and it was intense. Apparently the teachers can rotate between classes so I had a different teacher today. The vocab quiz was super easy but later I got yelled at to hurry because I wasn't answering quickly enough in the class exercises. After that I trekked to Meidaimae to meet up with Kelly and her host sister to fix the issue with our cell phones. It was surprisingly easy to do with someone willing to talk to us in full English.  After that we went to Kelly's place to pick up her phone and then to a pharmacy to get me some meds so that maybe I can sleep tonight. We then went to the Keio department store at the Shinjuku station and also Harajuku. There we went to Sweet's Paradise which is a timed all you can eat dessert buffet. We then went to a 100 yen store for school supplies and I had a minor panic attack which is always awesome. Then I came home, had dinner, and now I'm typing this before bed

I'm off to Yokohama tomorrow which I hope will be very fun. As I side note I ended up walking 16k steps today. Small food potions and shit tons of walking = weight loss even with the sweets I've been ingesting. I've lost 11 lbs already.

Outfits for the club I want to join costing $400

Japanese Curry

Japanese KFC
*This was eaten in the smoking sections. Yes, KFCs in Tokyo have smoking sections

さくら near my house



Cemetary on Campus

Awesome Building on the edge of Campus

Cupcake. Cake wasn't quiet right but the frosting was Amazingly Raspberry

Dr. Zaius For I don't know why!

Kelly in the way of me taking a picture of the Kimono

All of the above are the Keio Department Store

Entrance to Harajuku

All you can eat sweets for 70 minutes for $15

Oracle Building

Purple Bike

Tonight's Dinner

Tonight's Dessert. I'm told it is a traditional Japanese Parfait. Mikan, Azuki beans, Banana, Jello~ish things made from seaweed, Honey and the brown things are supposedly a form of green pea.

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