Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Natto, Kaze and Osakanamise (なっと、かぜとおさかな店)

SO... Tokyo, as well as most of Japan, has been hit by some super wind today. It has knocked over houses in Yokohama, trucks all over and made the trains stop running on certain lines. There are also the countless umbrellas (かさ)that have been trashed. My house has been shaking in the wind all day. I've been glad to be inside. Tomorrow my family is taking me to a sushi lunch and a tour of Tsukiji Fish Market!!!! I'm super excited! Also, tonight I tried Natto. Honestly, It doesn't taste that bad. It smells god awful but if you can get past the smell it isn't bad on rice with some Japanese pickles. Still, I wouldn't eat it regularly.

Opening Ceremony

Above is the auditorium

The Club Line

Cherry Blossoms

A line of vending machines at the schools 2nd campus

Yesterday's Dinner

Tonight's Dinner


School Freshman

This picture and all below it show more cluby recruiting madness!

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