Saturday, March 31, 2012

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My host dad is more and more like my real dad. Both LOVE sweets and crackers. Both have a hard time with technology and ask me for help. I could really learn to enjoy it here which is good because I have 4 months of living here left. That is 123 day to do what I need/want before I come home for those of you playing along at home. The wind has been super scary the past couple days and I can only hope that the weather report of 59 degrees with hold out for tomorrow's Penis Festival!!! For dinner tonight we had tendon which is a tempura egg leftover omelette along with some roast mackerel.

Tempura Ingredients from yesterday's dinner.


Ditto Again

Finished Tempura

Tonight's Dinner

My host Dad's new cell phone. If you can believe it, it has a 16.3 Megapixel camera and takes HD video and it isn't even a smart phone.

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