Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 1... The Beginning

Yes I know the title sounds like something from a Zombie movie and with good reason. While on my second flight I was what amounts to Asian Sky Mall and saw a face cream that is a dead ringer for the cream commercial from Resident Evil. It was funny and creepy. Of course the pictures it shows online aren't near the ones you see in the catalog Once I finally got off the planes I then got to mess with trains! My feet are swollen from not standing and walking or getting to lay down.

This is gonna be a ramble cause I am dog tired and in pain but I will try to make it make as much sense as possible.
My last stateside meal for the next 129 days was Joe's Cable Car in San Fran. On the 14 hour flight to Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific fed me 3 times. On the second flight which ends up being around 8 hours I was again fed 2 huge meals. It takes me back to when I was a kid and you actually got decent food and all the drinks were free! My second flight had a stop in Taipei. The poilet mucked the landing sooo bad that I had to hunt for an airsick bag. I've landed sideways on a runway and haven't been sick. Landing in Tokyo was little better. Customs line was long but my luggage wasn't checked. I hit the bathroom and find my biggest fear staring at me. Thankfully I didn't have to use it... YET.... The train ride inspired some motion sickness which I hope is the migraine's fault. I would hate to be in the land of trains and ALWAYS get motion sick. I feel like Godzilla crashing around this hotel room. The bathroom is super small and has a toilet/bidet combo that will add water to the bowl if you apply pressure to the lid like some weird trailer toilet.

I'm gonna get off here and put my feet up. My camera batteries are dead but charging now meaning very few first day photos and those photos will be posted tomorrow. Now, I'm gonna try to get a good 10 hours before I have to be up at 8 to be in the lobby by 8:45 to start this stuff.

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