Wednesday, March 28, 2012

とても ねむい

I am bushed. It is so hard to keep my eyes open. I'm already starting to get better with Japanese but it seems slower than it should. Regardless I am thankful for any progress. My home stay father is like a slightly older version of my real Dad which is great in a way. He speaks English very well for someone who has only been learning from English novels and a 2 week trip to Hawaii. My host mother is also trying to learn but is farther behind. My first meal was tonkatsu. It was delicious. So as not to be rude I even ate the fatty bits. Afterward they surprised me with a variety of cheesecake from a posh local bakery as a welcome home party. Then I was invited to sit under the kotatsu which made me happy. The house is an older Japanese style and can be a little cold and drafty. They don't mind me staying up a little after they go to bed either. I think I am really gonna like it here. I swear I will start posting pictures tomorrow. I just can't keep my eyes open and this is really hard to post as is.I can't wait to be over the jet lag.

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