Thursday, March 29, 2012

Soooo Busy

I have walked so much that my feet are swollen and I have cankles.  That can't be good. I did get a lot done today with only 1 meltdown so at least one point for me. I promised some pictures and I won't disappoint but first some things about my day. I was taken this morning by my host father to the ward office. On the bus trip there I saw my first poorly done cross-dresser. At the ward office I was amazed by the efficiency with which things are done. There is a good chance you won't have time to fill out the paper work you need before you are called up. I am now registered for National Health Insurance and I will also be getting my Alien card in a couple weeks. My host father then got me to Waseda where I found out he is an Alumni of the College. He got me through the club and circle throngs to the building here I needed to be. After getting what we needed to done we waded through the throngs of clubs. When I say we I mean Kelly, Colleen and myself (we are all OUS students). It was really crazy to see. After that we went to go cell phone shopping which caused my breakdown. I've been told it is the worst part of the whole process and I can believe it but now I have a phone. Later we ate at a cafe of some sort although I kinda wish we had gone to Shakey's like the outline said. Then I managed to find my way home in the dark, by myself. +3 to me.  Out of the clubs there are 3 I would like to join. The tabletop gaming club (D&D and Call of Cthulhu in Japanese FTW) seems hard but fun. Then there is the WaseNeko club that feeds and loves the cats on campus. Lastly is a traditional dance club. One of the members speaks very good English and I would get to travel a lot. That was my day. Now for pics and vids.

Above are from a Local restaurant. My dinner 2 nights ago was shabu shabu.

My room in my host family's home

Homemade Tonkatsu Dinner

Welcome Cheesecake

Kotatsu is awesome!!!!

Picture from the bus stop near my place this morning.

Picture from the bus stop tonight

Buildings around takadanobaba

The above is of where we ate. It is honestly like the IHOP, Denny's or Shari's of america except a slight menu change and the smoking system is still here. The last photo is my dinner

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