Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 2

I'm really Overwhelmed. My roommate at the hotel, Kelly, is an awesome nerd and we share a lot in common. Out of the group of all of us here I can speak the least Japanese. Most students come from campus' with Japanese Majors as part of their program. The school is huge and confusing but fun. I'm already having a lot of fun. Went for drinks after dinner. One drink on happy hour here is around $4 which isn't bad for being a big city and an expensive place to live. I don't feel that I will do well on the JCAT tomorrow but even if I am a little behind the others I maybe able to catch up. Aside from the more confusing aspects(I.E. the train system) it is a lot of fun. Went to the arcade across the street as well. It is really interesting although after only a few pictures I was asked to stop taking pictures. Stuff is on facebook. Will post some here later after I get some sleep.

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