Wednesday, May 23, 2012


SO I could go back and make up posts for the last couple of days and I might but they were mainly uneventful. I bombed my speech, told my parents about my trip and so on. Today I stayed in my room a lot of the day and studied. Went downstairs and found my mom had made me food that I didn't have time to eat cause I had to go. I ended up leaving my mom alone for dinner as well because my dad went out so now I feel kinda like a bad person. I went out to see Dark Shadows with some friends.  I love it. I know the show so I got the "inside" jokes. I could also pick out the flaws. Needless to say Johnny Depp as a Vampire will now be in my dreams for the next couple weeks. I'm all squeeky about it. It may be campy and have some very stupid parts but it is worth seeing.

The Original Barnabus Collins : Jonathan Frid (RIP)

The New Banabus Collins : Johnny Depp

I love them both

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