Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ghibli and Why do guys like skinny bitches?

So I ended up getting a 72 on my first big intensive test. That is a low B over here but I don't know how it will transfer. My morning was filled with horrible thoughts of me failing classes and shit. Had mushroom curry for lunch. Went to Ghibli. I was amazing. Soo amazing that I honored their request of not taking pictures. Got some trinkets and I will probably try to go back at some point. It is located near a zoo park and I can hang out there until my entry time. If you EVER have a chance to go you should. Even if you don't like or know the movies.  Afterwards went on a sweets kick.

Kelly and Colleen

A cookie so black...

The sundae/parfait that matches my horoscope. Was oddly good in spite of the odd ingredients.

The part about why do guys like skinny bitches comes about because of the couple at the table next to us.  She ordered $40ish dollars of sweets and then had maybe 5 bites and let go to waste. If I was a guy I wouldn't want someone wasting that much of my money...

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