Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My First Real Month and NamjaTown

So I have been in Japan for the entire month of April. Some things have gotten easier but not was quick as I hoped. Today was ok. Since I'm doing this as a back post because I was so tired yesterday I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what day it was. Stupid time travel and also the fact that my blog is still set in Pacific Daylight. Anyway, I drug Kelly out of the house to go to the tattoo museum and stuff in Yokohama. Her vile feeling stomach meant we couldn't do anything with food and the tattoo museum was closed and sketchy so we basically went to Yokohama to go to a 7/11.  Came back, Met up with Kenna, Got Kelly some real cheese and sent her packing. Then I went with Kenna and some friends to NamjaTown. I should have taken more pictures and I will when I go back. It was amazing and I want to go again. I was also only a couple feet away from cats 3 different times today and didn't get to pet a single one. FML I need My CATS!!!

It was yummy and a lot like Campbell's Chicken and Mushroom soup made into a Coconut Curry.

Check all the funky Ice Cream Flavors....

Gyoza!!!! 11 different stalls of this.

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