Sunday, May 6, 2012

More animals!

I woke up today and I just know that I caught whatever Kelly had all Golden Week. All I can do is pray that it clears up by Thursday. My parents were out all day with friends so Kelly and I went to Sunshine City. We went to the museum, the aquarium and the observatory on the 60th floor. Then we went to Denny's so I could get green ramen to help with my throat. It was a lot of fun and I ended up back home around 10:30 which was not long after my parents got home.  I love that old people hang out and stay out late over here sometimes.

This is Salt Ice Cream!!!

Russian Otter

U Jelly?


Cuddlefish mooning us by putting his butt on the glass. All the Japanese were saying "かわいいい". I don't think "How Cute" is really the right term.


Walking, Air Breathing Fish/Frog things.  My Dad would call them Grunions!  They creep me out.

The inspiration for Mudkip!

Sleepy Seal


The tall tower that looks so far away is the Tokyo Sky Tree. For some reason it looked a lot closer towards the end of the day and I was so freaked out I forgot to take a picture.

The Aquarium from the 60th floor.

Huge Cemetery

Ikebukuro Station is under that huge department store with the blue roof a little above Center!

I have the strangest boner. Also my skort has become far to large for me and it was falling down most of the day. I apologize to the Japanese people.

Fuji-san. It was worth staying up there late to get at least this little view.

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