Friday, June 1, 2012

Back maybe

While I still need to go back and fill in holes in my blog I'm hoping I can get back into the swing of things again. Today started out really well and then turned kinda to shit. I had an oral midterm today that I choked hard on.
Really hard.... Like freaking out and crying in the middle hard.  I feel so bad for my partner. Then on the way home, after I finally managed to get out of the bathroom, there was a 5.2 earthquake. The train I was on slammed on the breaks, always fun, and we had to sit in the train for about 10 minutes. I was not happy but at least I wasn't 7 stories up this time. The epicenter wasn't too far north of Tokyo.  They seem to be getting closer and I don't like it. As much fun as I have here sometimes I will be glad to be home. I'm getting really tired of people staring at me or going out of their way to avoid me just because I am gaijin. Yes I'm from another country but I have feelings too you racist assholes. Also, found out that someone I played FFXI with killed his 3 month old. That plus the guy throwing his intestines at cops and the face eating incident... I just don't feel like this world is very safe/sane. Off to study. Big Big BIG test tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be ok.

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