Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fucking Surreal Day

So my day started out like most Saturdays do here. My alarm goes off and I don't want to get up to go to class but I do anyway. I went to class and struggled which is all too common as well. Met up with Kelly but my stomach didn't feel up to curry so we began to walk to Takadanobaba and that is when the surreal started. It started small like most things do. We were walking along the street. I had chosen the left side because it has a shop I wanted to get a pair of Tabi in. An old woman being pushed in a wheelchair grabbed my arm and said something I couldn't quite catch. It was strange but I didn't think too much of it.  While on the platform in Baba trying to get on the Yamanote-sen to Ueno an elderly man scratched the same are the old woman had grabbed. Got to Ueno Park exit and as I was about to put my Passmo over the IC reader a middle aged fat guy in a bald shirt grabbed my butt and put his ticket into the ticket slot so that I had to let him go ahead of me. The zoo itself was fun. Only had time to see half of it really but the other half didn't have much I hadn't already seen anyway.

Lazy Ass Panda

Japanese Badger

This tiger knows how to work a crowd.

Tiny Ant Eater



Japanese Black Bear

Sleepy Tanuki

Red Fox

Hokkaido Brown Bear


More owls

Prairie Dogs

Bonodori practice

Free beer

This beer started the another odd thing but that will come up a little later. First is the fact that I brought my yukata at the request of my parents so that I could wear it and dance.  Kelly and I went into the changing room. I was almost dressed when we noticed my bottom was uneven. So did a little old Japanese woman. She asked for help but god only knows why because before she could really get an answer she was stripping and redressing me. I can tell she has done this hundreds if not thousands of times but I was poked, pinched, proded, and squeezed for what seems like a very long time. The dancing itself was fun and I got a lot of compliments. It was also very hot though. And from the little beers at the start to the time I undressed and we left my host dad was drinking beers with his buddy.

I love this man's bat yukata. WANT!!!

On the way to the restaurant.

So this is the drink I ordered. I was too hungry to take pictures. This was a fancy as hell Italian restaurant with a connected Porsche of Japan dealer. All through dinner my host dad just kept drinking. We taught him and his buddy the words smashed and buzzed because they asked. Host dad got excited and threw his glasses across the table on accident. It was amusing at first. Then it brought up some issues I haven't resolved with my dad and the last day he drank and I started to feel pretty freaked out.  We ate dinner and left. Took the elevator to the subway platform and someone let my drunk dad be in charge of the buttons. He ended up smashing me in the elevator door. Me and Kelly split off and went to Ike for some sweets.

So pretty but I can't take a good pic.

Most everything we wanted was closed so we ended up at TGI Fridays. We got this monstrosity. It sounded better than it was. It also made me sick.