Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kelly in the Giant Asshole (aka 24 Days!)

Today was a little fun yet hectic. Didn't sleep much last night and had a test first thing. Got a 34/50 on it which is a high C here and for that class I'm ok with it. Went to 2 different museums. Went on a couple different shopping sprees. This is the second to last spree before I come home with the last spree being a snack run. I am super excited to be back state side. A little worried about the traveling but I always am.

Kelly trying to photobomb me.

This place was a lot of fun.

Kelly called this the Giant Asshole hence the blog title.

A little water damage in just the right place makes a great sign

Plain and Kiwi Margaritas. Finally something with a decent level of booze.

Mexican Potatoes

Chicken and Shrimp fajitas.

Weird but good foods

My SE Store receipt.

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